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发布时间:2020/11/24 8:42:15 浏览次数:1698
Reference Materials characterized for content of Organic Compounds
IAEA-459 Sediment Marine Sediment 50g
IAEA-477 Sediment Sediment 50g
IAEA-451 Animal Product Freeze dried biota (clam, Gafrarium trumidum) 20g
60 kg of Tumid Venus clams (Gafrarium tumidum) were collected in Noumea, New Caledonia. The organisms were dissected and the soft tissues were deep-frozen, freeze dried, ground into powder and sieved through a 250 μm stainless steel sieve.
The sieved biota fraction with a particle size of less than 250 μm was homogenized by mixing it in a stainless steel rotating homogenizer for three weeks. Then, aliquots of about 20 g were packaged in amber glass bottles with aluminum screw caps, labeled IAEA-451 and sealed with Teflon tape.
Certified mass fractions values
Chlorinated pesticides
(based on dry mass)Analyte Unit Certified value1
Expanded uncertainty2
EOM mg g-1 42.2 4.4 HCB ng g-1 0.39 0.04 Dieldrin ng g-1 1.88 0.16 α-Chlordane ng g-1 0.56 0.04 γ-Chlordane ng g-1 0.46 0.13 Aroclor 1260 ng g-1 53.2 4.0
PCB congeners and PBDEAnalyte Certified value1
[ng g-1]Expanded uncertainty2
[ng g-1]PCB 28 0.85 0.09 PCB 95 0.58 0.10 PCB 101 1.74 0.14 PCB 105 0.49 0.12 PCB 110 0.88 0.13 PCB 118 1.01 0.08 PCB 128 0.49 0.04 PCB 138 5.30 0.58 PCB 149 3.33 0.42 PCB 153 8.59 0.78 PCB 170 3.05 0.40 PCB 174 1.32 0.07 PCB 177 0.94 0.10 PCB 180 6.56 1.20 PCB183 1.82 0.22 PCB 187 3.97 0.26 PCB 194 1.45 0.09 PCB 206 0.24 0.03 PBDE 100 0.23 0.04 Petroleum hydrocarbons
Analyte Unit Certified value1
Expanded uncertainty2
EOM mg g-1 36.7 6.4 Total aliphatics μg g-1 244 34 n-C17 ng g-1 373 44 Naphthalene ng g-1 14.8 1.2 Phenanthrene ng g-1 15.8 5.6 Chrysene ng g-1 26.9 2.0 Fluoranthene ng g-1 49.3 3.2 Pyrene ng g-1 40.0 4.6 Benzo [b] Fluoranthene ng g-1 35.8 6.2 Benzo [k] Fluoranthene ng g-1 14.7 3.2 Benz [a] Anthracene ng g-1 19.2 1.3 Benzo [a] Pyrene ng g-1 18.2 2.4 Benzo [g,h,i] Perylene ng g-1 19.5 2.4 Dibenz [a,h] Anthracene ng g-1 5.32 1.36 1) Robust mean of the accepted data sets, each set being obtained by a different laboratory and/or a different method of determination
2) Estimated expanded uncertainty with a coverage factor k=2, corresponding to a level of confidence of approximately 95%, as defined in the Evaluation of measurement data – Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement JCGM100:2008 [1].