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英文名称:Diabase Rock PGE Material订货以英文名称为准。
规格 市场价(元) 折后价(元) 供货周期 数量 加入购物车 400g 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入购物车
TDB-1辉绿岩成分分析标准物质Diabase Rock PGE Material
Certified PGE Values
ng/g Pt
ng/g Pd
± 1.0 5.8
± 1.1 22.4
± 1.4
Additional Certified Values
μg/g Ce
μg/g Cr
μg/g Cu
μg/g Fe
% Ni
μg/g Th
μg/g Zn
± 13 41
± 4 251
± 13 323
±15 10.4
± 0.2 92
± 6 2.7
± 0.3 155
± 11
Provisional PGE Values
ng/g Ir
ng/g Ru *
0. 7 0.15 0.3
* Informational value only.
Additional Provisional Values (μg/g, except where noted)
Al (%) As Ca (%) Co Dy Eu Ga Hf Ho
± 0.3 2.5
± 0.5 6.8
± 0.5 47
± 4 8
± 1 2.1
± 0.1 21
± 2 5
± 0.5 1.3
± 0.4
K (%) La Li Lu Mg (%) Mn Mo Na (%) Nd
± 0.07 17
± 2 15
± 4 0.52
± 0.06 3.5
± 0.2 1577
± 76 1.6
± 0.7 1.7
± 0.1 23
± 1
P (%) Pb Rb Sc Sb Sm Sn Sr Ta
± 0.02 17
± 3 23
± 2 36
± 3 1.0
± 0.4 6.0
± 0.2 2
± 1 230
± 24 0.8
± 0.2
Tb Ti (%) Tm U V Y Yb Zr
± 0.1 1.4
± 0.1 0.6
± 0.1 1.0
± 0.1 471
± 21 36
± 4 3.4
± 0.4 156
± 20
Provisional Whole-Rock Constituents (wt%)
SiO2 Al2O3 Fe2O3 TiO2 CaO MgO K2O Na2O MnO P2O5 LOI Stot
50.2 13.6 14.4 2.3 9.6 5.9 0.89 2.2 0.20 0.23 0.3 0.03
Informational Values for Other Elements (µg/g)
Ag B Be Bi Br Cd Cl Er F Gd
0.5 20 1.5 0.8 2 0.4 1050 4 400 7
Ge I In Nb Pr Se Si (%) Te W
1 <8 0.2 11 6 0.7 24.0 0.2 0.6
TDB-1 was obtained from Tremblay Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada. This diabase rock is composed of a siliceous matrix containing numerous small masses, aggregates and discrete grains of titaniferous magnetite and ilmenite intimately associated with ferroan titanite. Several small grains of chalcopyrite and bornite are associated with the oxide aggregates. Some of the bornite grains are partly replaced by a thin layer of covelline. The siliceous matrix consists largely of plagioclase feldspar and pyroxene with minor amounts of mica and quartz.
TDB-1 was prepared and certified in cooperation with the Analytical Method Development Section of the Mineral Deposits Division of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC).
The raw material was dried, comminuted and sieved to obtain a sub 74-micron (-200 mesh) product which was blended and bottled.
The homogeneity of the stock with respect to its gold, platinum and palladium contents was confirmed at GSC using bottles chosen according to a stratified random sampling scheme.
Thirty-three university, commercial, and government laboratories from Canada, United States, Europe, Australia, Africa, and Japan participated in an interlaboratory certification program. Up to 80 elements were analyzed by methods of each laboratory's choice. A statistical analysis of the data yielded recommended values for gold, platinum, palladium, and eight others, and provisional values were assigned for rhodium, iridium, and forty-seven others. An informational value for ruthenium and other elements is also given.
Legal notice
CanmetMINING has prepared this reference material and statistically evaluated the analytical data of the interlaboratory certification program to the best of its ability. The purchaser, by receipt hereof, releases and indemnifies the CanmetMINING from and against all liability and costs arising out of the use of this material and information.
Further information is available on request.