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英文名称:Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Ore订货以英文名称为准。
规格 市场价(元) 折后价(元) 供货周期 数量 加入购物车 200g 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入购物车
SU-1b镍铜钴矿石成分分析标准物质Nickel-Copper-Cobalt Ore
Table 1 - SU-1b Certified Values
Element Units Mean Within-lab Standard Deviation Between-labs Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Mean
Ag µg/g 6.39 0.34 0.21 0.12
Al* % 4.30 0.07 0.20 0.10
As µg/g 2.49 0.33 0.58 0.40
Ca* % 2.21 0.03 0.11 0.06
Co % 0.0672 0.0013 0.0034 0.0013
Cu % 1.185 0.019 0.037 0.014
Fe % 25.54 0.30 0.68 0.27
Mg* % 1.790 0.026 0.098 0.051
Mn* % 0.0703 0.0010 0.0028 0.0019
Ni % 1.953 0.029 0.044 0.017
Pb µg/g 58 3 10 5
Pd µg/g 0.791 0.038 0.040 0.025
Pt µg/g 0.491 0.042 0.035 0.022
S % 14.14 0.21 0.23 0.11
Si** % 15.23 0.25 0.31 0.22
Zn µg/g 235 9 30 19
* Excludes digestions with two acids (usually nitric and hydrochloric) as statistical outliers.
** Fusions only.
Table 2 - SU-1b Provisional Values
Element Units Mean Within-lab Standard Deviation Between-labs Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Mean
Bi* µg/g 2.73 0.50 0.63 0.70
Se µg/g 20.7 0.7 4.3 2.3
V* µg/g 82.5 2.3 4.7 4.4
* Statistical analysis of the results warrants classification as provisional, despite only 6 data sets for bismuth and 7 data sets for vanadium.
Table 3 - SU-1b Informational Values
Element Units Mean No.
laboratories /
Au µg/g 0.2
17 / 80
Ba µg/g 350 3 / 14
Be µg/g 0.4 3 / 15
C % 0.04 3 / 14
Cd µg/g 3 4 / 20
Ce µg/g 35 4 / 20
Cr µg/g 320 7 / 35
Cs µg/g 0.3 4 / 20
Dy µg/g 1.4 3 / 15
Er µg/g 0.7 3 / 15
Eu µg/g 0.7 3 / 15
Ga µg/g 10 4 / 20
Gd µg/g 2 3 / 15
H2O (105°C) % 0.6 2 / 10
Ho µg/g 0.3 3 / 15
K % 0.6 4 / 18
La µg/g 17 4 / 20
LOI* % 8 3 / 15
Lu µg/g 0.09 3 / 15
Mo µg/g 4 5 / 25
Na % 1.6 5 / 24
Nb µg/g 3 3 / 15
Nd µg/g 15 3 / 15
P % 0.06 5 / 25
Rb µg/g 13 4 / 20
Sb µg/g 0.2 3 / 15
Sc µg/g 9 4 / 20
Sm µg/g 3 4 / 20
Sr µg/g 280 6 / 29
Tl µg/g 0.3 4 / 20
U µg/g 0.2 4 / 19
Y µg/g 7 4 / 20
Yb µg/g 0.6 4 / 20
* Loss on ignition.
SU-1b is a nickel-copper-cobalt ore from Copper Cliff, Ontario, Canada. The raw material was donated by Vale Inco Limited, and was obtained from the same mine as its predecessors, SU-1 and SU-1a, which are no longer available.
The mineral species include: pyrrhotite (24.4 %); plagioclase (21.8 %); quartz (11.0 %); magnetite (7.3 %); ferrohornblende (6.7 %); pentlandite (5.4 %); clinochlore (5.2 %); K-feldspar (4.5 %); chalcopyrite (3.3 %); pyrite (3.2 %); enstatite (1.5 %); epidote (1.3 %); augite (1.0 %); biotite (1.0 %); talc (0.6 %); various other minor silicates (0.5 %); actinolite (0.4 %); hypersthene, ilmenite and titanite, all at 0.2 %; and barite, berthierine, dolomite and lizardite, all at 0.1 %.
Intended use
SU-1b is suitable for the analysis of nickel, copper, cobalt, platinum, palladium and various other elements at major, minor and trace levels in ores. Examples of intended use include quality control and method development.
Instructions for use
SU-1b should be used “as is”, without drying. The contents of the bottle should be thoroughly mixed before taking samples. The contents of the bottle should be exposed to air for the shortest time possible. Unused material should be stored under an inert gas in a desiccator, or in a new, heat-sealed laminated foil pouch. The values herein pertain to the material when produced. CanmetMINING is not responsible for changes occurring after shipment.
Handling instructions
Normal safety precautions for handling fine particulate matter are suggested, such as the use of safety glasses, breathing protection, gloves and a laboratory coat.
Method of preparation
The raw material was crushed, ground and sieved to remove the plus 74 µm fraction. The recovery was 82%. The product was blended, and then bottled in 200-gram units. Each bottle was purged with nitrogen and sealed in a laminated polyethylene - foil pouch.