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英文名称:Nickel-Copper-Gold Tailings订货以英文名称为准。
规格 市场价(元) 折后价(元) 供货周期 数量 加入购物车 100g 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入购物车
RTS-5镍铜金尾矿成分分析标准物质Nickel-Copper-Gold Tailings
Table 1 – RTS-5 Certified Values
Element Units Mean Within-lab Standard Deviation Between-labs Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Mean
Ag µg/g 1.50 0.07 0.10 0.04
Al (FUS) a % 6.25 0.04 0.13 0.08
As µg/g 1286 27 84 28
Au (no AD2) b µg/g 0.408 0.017 0.017 0.007
Ba (AD3, AD4, FUS, PPP) c µg/g 252 5 11 5
Ca (AD3, AD4, FUS) d % 3.86 0.06 0.16 0.06
Co (AD2) e µg/g 69.8 1.4 4.2 3.0
Co (AD3, AD4, FUS, PPP) c µg/g 76.9 1.5 3.9 1.7
Cr (T) g µg/g 261 8 16 11
Cu µg/g 647 12 25 8
Fe (AD4, FUS) h % 11.9 0.14 0.38 0.15
K (AD3, AD4, FUS) d % 0.850 0.013 0.055 0.023
Mg (AD3, AD4) i % 3.31 0.06 0.15 0.09
Mg (FUS) a % 3.59 0.03 0.11 0.07
Mn (AD3, AD4, FUS, PPP) c µg/g 1092 19 40 16
Na (AD3, AD4, FUS) d % 1.285 0.023 0.064 0.031
Ni (AD2) e µg/g 1023 17 46 33
Ni (T) f µg/g 1104 25 59 24
P % 0.0369 0.0012 0.0040 0.0015
Pb (AD2, AD3) j µg/g 57.6 4.0 5.7 3.2
Pb (AD4, FUS, PPP) f µg/g 66.3 2.4 5.9 2.7
S % 1.924 0.031 0.067 0.023
Si a % 19.20 0.21 0.51 0.25
Sr (AD3, AD4, FUS, PPP) c µg/g 130.6 2.3 7.2 3.3
Ti (T) k % 0.3132 0.0035 0.0059 0.0037
Zn (AD2) e µg/g 76.6 1.9 6.9 5.0
Zn (AD3, AD4, FUS, PPP) c µg/g 105 4 10 4
The data was obtained from various types of fusion based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from fire assay pre-concentration only based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with three acids (hydrochloric, nitric and hydrofluoric), four acids (hydrochloric, nitric, hydrofluoric and perchloric), various fusions and pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with three acids, four acids and various fusions based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with two acids (hydrochloric and nitric) based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with four acids, various fusions and pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with four acids in a closed vessel, various fusions, pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analysis based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion using four acids and various fusions based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with three acids and four acids based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with two and three acids based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with four acids in a closed vessel and various fusions based on statistical tests.
Table 2 – RTS-5 Provisional Values
Analyte Units Mean Within-lab Standard Deviation Between-labs Standard Deviation 95% Confidence Interval of Mean
Al (AD3, AD4) a % 5.66 0.10 0.44 0.26
Ba (AD2)b,c µg/g 127.1 2.0 5.8 5.4
Bi (AD) d µg/g 2.05 0.07 0.23 0.19
C e % 1.617 0.013 0.035 0.030
Ca (AD2) b % 2.83 0.03 0.21 0.17
Ce c µg/g 17.0 1.0 1.9 1.8
Cr (AD3, AD4) a µg/g 216 4 31 17
K (AD2) b,c % 0.352 0.004 0.011 0.012
La µg/g 9.7 0.5 1.8 1.1
Li c, d µg/g 16.9 0.5 1.2 1.1
Loss on ignition f % 9.90 0.13 0.82 0.55
Mo c µg/g 1.338 0.055 0.086 0.083
Rb c µg/g 30.5 0.8 1.8 2.0
S (SO4) % 1.23 0.02 0.14 0.08
Se (AD) d, g µg/g 8.03 0.55 0.82 0.58
Sr (AD2) b µg/g 41.8 0.8 2.4 2.0
Th c µg/g 2.25 0.28 0.35 0.34
Ti (AD3, AD4) a % 0.245 0.005 0.034 0.018
V (AD2) b µg/g 61.2 1.3 4.1 3.4
V (AD3, AD4) a µg/g 136 3 20 10
V (T) h µg/g 160 3 18 15
Y (AD3, AD4) i µg/g 10.1 0.3 1.4 1.2
Y (T) c, h µg/g 15.5 0.7 1.2 1.3
The data was obtained from digestion using three (hydrochloric, nitric and hydrofluoric) and four acids (hydrochloric, nitric, hydrofluoric and perchloric) based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion with two acids (hydrochloric and nitric) based on statistical tests.
Statistical analysis of the data warrants classification as provisional despite only 6 or 7 sets of data.
The data was obtained from digestion with various mixtures of acids.
The data was obtained from a combustion apparatus with detection by infrared spectroscopy.
The data is based on samples of 0.2 to 2 grams ignited for 0.5 to 5 hours at 950 to 1050°C.
The data fulfilled the conditions for certification but the element was reclassified as provisional since much of the data consisted of one significant figure.
The data was obtained from digestion using four acids in closed vessel, fusion and pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence based on statistical tests.
The data was obtained from digestion using three and four acids based on statistical tests.
Table 3 – RTS-5 Informational Values
(semi-quantitative only)
Analyte Units Mean No. accepted laboratories / values Analyte Units Mean No. accepted laboratories / values
Al (AD2) a % 1.6 7 / 35 S elemental % 0.3 3 / 15
Be µg/g 0.7 9 / 45 Sb µg/g 1.3 5 / 25
Cr (AD2) a µg/g 95 7 / 35 Sc (AD2) a µg/g 9 4 / 20
Cs (AD) b µg/g 1.0 5 / 25 Sc (AD3) f µg/g 25 3 / 15
Dy (AD) b µg/g 2 4 / 20 Sc (AD4) g µg/g 30 7 / 35
Er (AD) b µg/g 2 4 / 20 Sc (T) h µg/g 35 6 / 30
Eu (AD) b µg/g 0.6 4 / 20 Sm b µg/g 2 4 / 20
Fe (AD2) a % 10 7 / 35 Sn b µg/g 3 6 / 30
Fe (AD3) c % 11 5 / 25 Ta b µg/g 0.3 4 / 20
Ga µg/g 14 14 / 70 Tb b µg/g 0.3 3 / 15
Lu µg/g 0.3 4 / 20 Te (AD) b, i µg/g 1.2 6 / 30
Mg (AD2) a % 2.2 6 / 30 Ti (AD2) a % 0.07 5 / 25
Moisture d % 1.4 10 / 50 Tl b µg/g 0.3 5 / 25
Mn (AD2) a µg/g 750 7 / 35 U b, i µg/g 0.5 5 / 25
Na (AD2) a % 0.08 5 / 25 Y (AD2) a µg/g 3 4 / 20
Nb µg/g 4 5 / 25 Yb µg/g 2 4 / 20
Nd µg/g 8 5 / 25 Zr (AD2) c µg/g 4 5 / 25
Pd e µg/g 0.14 4 / 20 Zr (AD3, AD4) j µg/g 49 8 / 40
Pt e µg/g 0.2 4 / 20 Zr (T) k µg/g 75 6 / 30
The data was obtained from digestion with two acids (hydrochloric and nitric).
The data was obtained from various acid digestion methods only.
The data was obtained from digestion using three acids (hydrochloric, nitric and hydrofluoric).
The data was obtained from samples of 1 to 10 grams dried for 0.5 to 20 hours at 80 to 105°C; the data fulfills the conditions for provisional but the parameter was reclassified asinformational due to the between-laboratory standard deviation being 24% of the mean.
The data was obtained by lead fire assay using a test portion of 25-30 grams.
The data was obtained from digestion using three acids.
The data was obtained from digestion using four acids (hydrochloric, nitric, hydrofluoric and perchloric).
The data was obtained from digestion using four acids in a closed vessel, fusion, pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence and instrumental neutron activation analysis.
Only data obtained from inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry was used.
The data was obtained from digestion using three and four acids.
The data was obtained from digestion using four acids in closed vessel, fusion and pressed powder pellet followed by x-ray fluorescence.
RTS-5 is a nickel-copper-gold tailings prepared from a mixture of tailings from two Canadian mining companies.
The mineral species include: quartz (17.1%); hornblende (8.5%); chamosite (+Mg) (8.2%); albite (8.1%); dolomite (7.5%); oligoclase (6.5%); clinochlore (+Fe) (6.0%); kaolinite (5.7%); muscovite (4.0%); biotite (3.5%); ferroan-hornblende (2.8%); limonite and garnet (each at 2.5%); yavapaiite (2.2%); goethite (1.8%); miscellaneous silicates (1.7%); olivine and ferroan-dolomite (+Mn) (each at 1.5%); ferroan-magnesite (+Mn) (1.1%); pyrite (1.0%); ferroan-dolomite and pyrrhotite (each at 0.8%); K-feldspar (0.7%); plagioclase (0.6%); hematite (0.5%); eulite (0.4%); ilmenite and other oxides (each at 0.3%); magnetite, cummingtonite, magnesio-siderite, chalcopyrite, apatite and arsenopyrite (each at 0.2%); titanomagnetite, rutile, titanite and vesuvianite (each at 0.1%), ankerite and calcite (each at 0.04%); clay (Mn rich), siderite, magnesio-siderite (+Ca) and andradite (each at 0.03%); manganoan-calcite and miscellaneous (each at 0.02%); and grunerite, zircon, siderite (+Mn), rhodochrosite, magnesio-siderite (+Mn), and chromite (each at 0.01%).