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英文名称:Gold Ore订货以英文名称为准。
规格 市场价(元) 折后价(元) 供货周期 数量 加入购物车 400g 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入购物车
MA-2c金矿石成分分析标准物质Gold Ore
Table 1 - Certified value for gold and provisional value for silver
Element Ag (µg/g) Au (µg/g)
Mean 0.51 3.02
Within-laboratory standard deviation 0.07 0.14
Between-laboratories standard deviation 0.13 0.13
95% confidence interval 0.10 0.06
Status provisional certified
Informational values are in Table 2.
The raw material for MA-2c was donated by Kinross Gold from its operation in Kirkland Lake, Ontario.
MA-2c is the fourth generation in a series with predecessors, MA-2, MA-2a and MA-2b, which are no longer available. The deposits of the area are known to contain electrum in a relatively simple siliceous ore.
Intended use
MA-2c is suitable for analysis of gold, silver, majors, minors, and trace elements in gold ores. Examples of intended use are: for quality control in the analysis of samples of a similar type, method development, arbitration and the calibration of equipment.
Instructions for use
The assigned values pertain to the date when issued. CCRMP is not responsible for changes occurring after receipt by the user. MA-2c should be used "as is". The contents of the bottle should be thoroughly mixed before taking samples.
Method of preparation
The raw material was dried, crushed, ground and sieved to produce a product with a mesh size of less than 75 µm. After blending, the material was bottled in 400-g units. This is the only size available.
State of homogeneity
A homogeneity assessment for gold was performed by an independent laboratory on 30-g samples using instrumental neutron activation analysis. Thirty gram samples were analysed for silver using fire assay with lead collection and determination by atomic absorption spectroscopy. No evidence of inhomogeneity was found for gold or silver. A one-way analysis of variance technique (ANOVA) was used to assess the homogeneity of gold and silver1. The ratio of the between-bottle to within-bottle mean squares was compared to the F statistic at the 95% level of probability. No evidence of inhomogeneity was observed. Use of a smaller sub-sample will invalidate the use of the certified value and associated parameters. Further details are available in the certification report.
Method of certification
Twenty industrial, commercial, and government laboratories participated in the 1998 interlaboratory certification program. Gold and silver were analysed by a variety methods. A statistical analysis of the data yielded Certified Values for gold, and a provisional value for silver. Informational values are derived from the mean of five results from up to six laboratories using one or more of instrumental neutron activation; acid digestion followed by atomic absorption spectroscopy, inductively coupled plasma - atomic emission spectroscopy, or inductively coupled plasma - mass spectrometry; fusion with lithium metaborate followed by x-ray fluorescence; and combustion methods. ANOVA was used to estimate the consensus value and other statistical parameters1. Full details of all phases of the work, including statistical analysis, the methods and the names of the participants are contained in CCRMP Report 2000-2E.
Legal notice
CCRMP has prepared this reference material and statistically evaluated the analytical data of the interlaboratory certification program to the best of its ability. The purchaser, by receipt hereof, releases and indemnifies CanmetMINING from and against all liability and costs arising out of the use of this material and information.
Certification history
MA-2c was originally released in July 2000. This version of the certificate, the second, was issued due to the expiration of the first version, and contains no changes in the values.
Period of validity
These certified values are valid until December 31, 2030. Updates will be made via the CCRMP web site.