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英文名称:Marine Sediment (Kilbrannan Sound)订货以英文名称为准。
规格 市场价(元) 折后价(元) 供货周期 数量 加入购物车 25g 0.00 0.00 3-4周 加入购物车
In November 2004, a large quantity of marine sediment was collected from Kilbrannan Sound, south east of the island of Arran, in the Clyde River estuary, Scotland, UK. The material was collected and supplied to the IAEA through collaboration with the QUASIMEME Laboratory Performance Studies Programme.
The material was freeze dried by QUASIMEME and sent to IAEA MEL for further processing and bottling. The dried, material was hand sieved (315 μm) by MESL staff. Approximately 70% of particles had sizes below 100 μm. Aliquots of about 25 g were packed into glass bottles with polyethylene caps and sealed in plastic bags.
Approximately five hundred units of the material were prepared. The homogeneity of this material for trace elements was tested using a standard protocol and found to be satisfactory.
Recommended values for mass fractions
Trace elements
(based on dry mass)Analyte
Recommended value1
[mg kg-1]Standard deviation2
[mg kg-1]Silver 0.180 0.033 Arsenic 11.5 1.2 Cadmium 0.372 0.039 Cerium 61.1 5.4 Cobalt 9.2 1.1 Chromium 74.4 5.8 Caesium 3.73 0.34 Copper 48.3 4.2 Europium 1.079 0.061 Lanthanum 30.2 2.2 Manganese 356 24 Nickel 30.3 2.9 Lead 39.6 4.7 Rubidium 82 10 Antimony 1.34 0.18 Samarium 4.94 0.32 Tin 5.84 0.82 Strontium 473 25 Uranium 2.42 0.28 Vanadium 73.0 3.7 Zinc 140.6 9.5 1) Mean values expressed on a dry-mass basis
2) Standard deviation of the mean
Recommended values for mass fractions
Matrix and minor constituents
(based on dry mass)Analyte
Recommended value1
[mg kg-1]Standard deviation2
[mg kg-1]Aluminium 51.8 3.4 Calcium 64.9 5.8 Iron 26.3 1.4 Potassium 20.0 1.6 Sodium 23.8 1.0 Information values
(Based on dry mass)Analyte
Information value1
[mg kg-1]Standard deviation2
[mg kg-1]Barium 1028 46 Bromine 224 15 Hafnium 6.23 0.4 Mercury 0.132 0.014 Lithium 32.5 3.7 Lutetium 0.306 0.03 MeHg3 0.00141 0.0004 Magnesium 10390 960 Molybdenum 4.87 0.8 Scandium 8.32 0.39 Tantalum 0.97 0.12 Terbium 0.63 0.097 Thorium 8.89 0.58 Titanium 4390 170 Ytterbium 2.08 0.18 1 Mean values expressed on a dry-mass basis
2 1 Standard deviation of the mean
3 Concentration reported as mg Hg kg-1
The assigned values were established on the basis of statistically valid results submitted by laboratories which had participated in international interlaboratory comparison organized in 2006.
The details concerning all reported results as well as the criteria for qualification may be found in the respective report (attached).